The Crafts Council of Odisha was formed to work for the all-round development of crafts and craftsmen of the state.  The council is affiliated to the Crafts Council of India which in turn is affiliated to the World Craft Council. It is a non-government organization registered under Societies Registration Act-1860.The Council is also registered by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs for undertaking CSR activities pursuant to Section 135 of the Companies Act and is also registered under Section 12A and approved under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act.


The Council is a nonpolitical organization constituted to promote the traditional crafts of the state of Odisha and work towards the betterment of craft persons engaged in different crafts. In an age when the fast evolving technologies are offering  a plethora of competing products and choices to the consumers, the Council is aiming at trying to preserve and promote the crafts by helping the craftspersons to adapt to the contemporary needs and preferences in terms of designs and method of production without diminishing the traditional beauty and essence of the crafts, and at the same time create an awareness among the consumers about the uniqueness of handcrafted products so that they prefer to buy hand crafted products and do not hesitate to compensate the craft persons in terms of price and patronage. Thus the Council is poised to undertake a package of activities that address all the areas of development of handicrafts that include procurement of raw material, development of skill, adoption of intermediate technology wherever needed to remove the drudgery of certain processes that do not involve artistic skill but can improve productivity and quality, develop designs that cater to contemporary taste without taking away its traditional skill and beauty, recognize excellence and achievement by way of instituting awards, provide marketing opportunities by way of organizing exhibitions and buyers meet  and address the special issues involved in preserving languishing crafts.


Integrated development of the crafts & craftsmen of Odisha,


Creating opportunities and avenues for the preservation and promotion of traditional crafts and socio-economic development of the craft persons engaged in this sector



Sj. Santosh Kumar Mohapatra (IAS)


Sj. Rajib Sekhar Sahoo


Sj. Tapan Kumar Mohanty


Sj. Ramesh Ch Swain


Dr. Adyasha Das


Mrs. Priyanka Mohanty


Mrs. Paramita Panda


Mrs. Revati Pany
